WE RECEIVED A WONDERFUL EMAIL from a lady who joined our worship service via live stream on January 29. She sent this email and we asked if we could share it with others. It's encouraging. It's challening. And, it's insightful. Be blessed by it:
I WANTED TO ATTEND YOUR CHURCH'S SERVICE on Sunday, but settled on watching online instead. I called my adult son on Saturday evening and asked him to come along with me. Sadly, he is the son I raised him to be: anything else first, God when convenient. I found your words to be hurtful, yet truthful. I wish I could turn back the clock and do it again, but instead, maybe I can share my store and help others avoid my tragedy.
IN YOUR MESSAGE YOUR REFERENCED a number of things that cause people to "go to church" rather than "serve and worship"; everything from holding grudges, to choosing churches where their children can hang out with friends rather than those where they can learnt to serve, to being anonymous rather than appreciated. You described worship as a life-choice, rather than the convenience many of us have made it to be. You are 100% correct.
WHEN MY CHILDREN WERE TEENAGERS I urged them to participate in sports. It wasn’t long before sports became their God. It seems the Devil has had his way with society and has pitted worship against nearly everything else. For years, our soccer games were on Sunday mornings and most fall Sundays were spent on a field of idolatry instead of around the Lord’s table.
WELL, YOUR MESSAGE DIDN'T have your desired response on me. I’m sure you would have liked for me to come to your congregation next Sunday and join your effort to “build a church”. And you know, I’m tempted to do so. I was impressed with your passion, your plan and your personal testimony. Yet my mind drifted back to a time when I left a small congregation to attend a larger congregation where, yes, my children knew more friends. (Not that it mattered because we only showed up when it was convenient. And, with every passing year it became less convenient.) But you inspired me to go back “home”. I want to go back and make a difference in a church where so many others don’t want to make a difference.
PASTOR, YOU INSPIRED ME - maybe not in the way you desired, but in a way that has made a difference in my life. Please pray that my boys join me in the effort. I hope they will see my new resolve and forget about my past example.
MAY YOUR CHURCH PROSPER. May it grow. And, if I’m aware of the time you dedicate your new facility – a multipurpose room that will serve our community and provide a new place to worship, I’ll be there celebrating with you.
THANK YOU FOR WAKING ME UP! All the best to you!