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IN THE LORD’S PRAYER, Jesus prayed, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”  Forgiveness is a hallmark characteristic of the Christian community.  Jesus once said, “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14).  From the cross, as the soldiers were mocking Him, spitting at Him and crucifying Him, he prayed to His Father in heaven, “Father forgive them for the do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

FORGIVENESS is the Lord’s expectation for the Christian, but it’s also rewarding.  It takes energy to hold a grudge.  The lack of forgiveness causes pain, strive and all sorts of emotional turmoil. Yet forgiveness releases a Spirit of love that frees the Christian from the burden of hate.

IN AUGUST 2023 our Pastor was awakened by the sound of glass breaking in and around his home.  Upon investigation he discovered damage to his vehicles and home by a BB gun. Those who did the damage were later apprehended and charged with the vandalism and other unrelated offenses.  Pastor Randy reported that he was angry, disturbed and worried.  He didn’t know why it happened, who did it or if it would happen again.

THEN, IN NOVEMBER he received a call from a young man named Dom.  He admitted is involvement and offered an apology, an apology that our Pastor accepted.  Moreso, he began to communicate regularly with Dom, got to know his life, his background and his circumstances that led him to some unfortunate behavior.

THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN OUR PASTOR and Dom continued while Dom was incarcerated for a period of 8 months.  Pastor Randy visited Dom in the jail at least once, and sometimes twice, a week.  He spoke with him daily on the phone and offered as much encouragement and support. 

THE FORGIVENESS AND KINDNESS shown to Dom opened the door to share the gospel. Before long, Dom was reading the Bible, memorizing Scriptures,  and learning the books of the Bible in order.  Then during one of their visit, Dom said he wanted to be a Christian. And then he repeated, “I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and I accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior.”

DOM WAS BAPTIZED at the conclusion of our church service on August 18.    You can see it on Youtube.  He’s a powerful example of how the Lord works the in the lives of people.  And, the example of our Pastor is a powerful testimony about how God uses the love and the forgiveness of the Christian to reach others.

WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS, but we know that God now has another member of His kingdom who has a testimony to share that will no doubt attract others to His Church. 

WHAT ABOUT YOU?  Is there someone you need to forgive?  Forgiveness is freeing, it’s liberating, it’s loving and it’s commanded.    Is there someone that you should share the Gospel with?  Don’t pre-determine that someone won’t be interested or would never accept the invitation.  It’s not for  us to judge; it’s for us to share. 

DOM, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY of believers. You’re accepted here and we’re proud to have you as part of our community of believers!